Do you know that July month is the nutrition month? Well, we have to know what is happening in our school even though in other schools. Some students doesn't know what is happening in our school. Specially this month of July, maybe their were asking themselves if they see that some students are participating the said nutrition month.
Nutrition month is a nutrition education and information to focus the attention on the importance of making informed of food choices developing sound eating and physical activity habits. This is to increase awareness on the role importance of proper nutrition in the prevention and control of diet-related lifestyle disease or commonly known as noncommunicable disease to encourage individuals, families and students to make positive outlook towards proper nutrition, particularly along the consumption of healthy diets and practice of healthy lifestyle. So when it comes to July month the TLE department are busy preparing for the contests. If it is July month, the students are also busy composing their lyrics and preparing for the nutri jingle.This contest is were the contestants by maximum of 20 members are going to sing with original lyrics that is related to the theme and dance to make their performance livelier. They also held a cook fest which is composed of 2 members only. Which I and my classmate-joined. It is where we cooked a less expensive recipe and more nutritious. We the Rizalians also joined the food fest. This is a inter-year level contest. Which the students will sell something that is nutritious and they will see to it that they will gain a profit. Some contest are mural painting, oratorical, quiz bee, poster making and slogan and a cheer dance. Every contest that is held the contestants must relate the theme which is the: Wastong Nutrisyon Lifestyle Disease Iwasan.
July month is designated as nutrition month for the purpose of creating awareness among students on the importance of nutrition activities. So we have to be careful so that the right nutrition which is the healthy lifestyle activities must be apply to prevent disease.
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